Steamy Rom-Com Author
It’s all Rhett and Scarlett’s fault.
(Talkin’ the grand staircase scene, people.)
Stung by the literary lovebug at a tender young age, JC has been devouring steamy romantic fiction ever since. Seriously… What could possibly be more delectable at the end of a rough day than a big, bad, moody brute brought to his alphalicious knees by a gorgeous, sassy-talking heroine?
Well, besides Jason Momoa showing up shirtless on your doorstep with car trouble.
Penning “I wish” fantasies while slogging through the woefully Rhett-scarce world, JC invites readers to indulge in decadent escape through her foulmouthed, passion-saturated tales.
Uh. You did hear foulmouthed, right?